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10 Things to Never Say at a Holiday Party
‘Tis the season to party party party! Whether you're cutting loose at your company's annual eggnog-fest, sharing cocktails and canapés with neighbors, or tree-trimming with a crowd of friends, here are a few things to avoid. As much as we love to have fun and show our lighter side, loose lips or careless conversation can dim the sparkle of a holiday soiree. Here are our Foxy guidelines for a flawless fiesta...
"Do you know how many calories are in one sip of that?"
Don't dish about your diet. There's a reason the season comes with eggnog, cookies, fruitcake, gingerbread, and every other variety of sweet treat. No one wants to talk about diets during the holidays and the last thing you want to do is make someone feel guilty as they bite into their third sliver of cheesecake. Save the skinny-dipping for the new year. That's what those darn resolutions are for.
"I hear their marriage is on the rocks."
The holidays can be hard on anyone. Don't be a gossip. No matter who you saw doing what where or who you overheard in the restroom saying what to whom, don't pass it on at a party. Gossip is often mean-spirited at its core, and you don't want to be the one doling it out. Just remember, what goes around, comes around -- and Santa's keeping track.
"I don't know if I'll survive the holidays."
Don't be a bah-humbug. Yes, the holidays can be stressful -- what with the shopping, baking, decorating, cleaning, tree-trimming, gift-wrapping, family visits, traveling, and so on. But tap into your inner yogi and keep the chill on. Moaning about all your tasks is tiresome. Holiday cheer is contagious so be the one to spread it.
"You wouldn't believe how big my bonus was this year."
Even if it's the only thing that gets you out of bed and at your desk by 9am, don't discuss that precious, and no doubt, well-deserved holiday bonus. Not here. Not now. Some people get 'em, but this year, especially, a lot do not. This one goes double for company gatherings.
"How could Santa go to every house in one night?"
If children are present, know that Santa may still be alive and well in their minds. Leave it at that. No letting the cat -- or jolly white-bearded man -- out of the bag. Don't be the one who destroys a kid's dreams.
"Where's the food?"
If you're a guest at someone's party, they deserve your respect and reserve. Whatever your inner thoughts may be, keep them to yourself. Never complain about what is being served to you. Such a statement will likely make your gracious host feel badly.
"Come sit on Santa's lap."
Call us old fashioned, but St. Nick is off limits when it comes to R-rated repartee! A holiday party is not the place to bring sexy back -- whether it's lewd jokes, or come-ons to strangers about meeting under the mistletoe.
"Thanks, but it's so not me."
We've all gotten those total stinker gifts that are off base or downright tacky. But there's no need to make your good-intentioned friend feel bad. Also, be careful about discussing those humorous misfit presents with others. There's no telling who might be able to overhear you.
"Sleigh bells ring. Are you listening? In the lane, snow is glistening..."
Even if you dream about being Tony Bennett in another lifetime, singing loudly to the background music won't do wonders for your image. If there's karaoke at the party, feel free to really belt one out -- IF you have a good voice (but be honest with yourself, you know who you are). Otherwise, take a pass.
"I don't get why Christmas and Hanukah are such big deals."
For many people, Christmas and Hanukah represent deep religious beliefs and reflect the true meaning of the season for them. Parties aren't the place to get on your soap box, especially since you may not know what the beliefs or practices of others are.