Chicken Recipes
Home Cooking
Custom Doormat
Materials and Tools
coir doormat
masking tape in 3-inch and 3/4-inch widths
address numbers
card stock
utility knife
T pins
12-ounce can enamel spray paint
Mat How-To
Use an 18-by-30-inch coir mat, which is made from the stiff fibers of coconut husks.
1. Create a border around its perimeter with 3-inch tape, positioning it 1 1/4 inches from edge. For a second border, affix 3/4-inch tape, leaving 1/2 inch between borders. Print out figures (ours are 650-point type), then photocopy onto card stock, and cut out with a utility knife; or choose 6-inch numbers from a hardware store. Use a ruler to center numbers; pin paper ones to mat.
2. In a well-ventilated area, hold spray paint (in a contrasting color) 4 to 6 inches over mat and work in small circles; bring closer to paint edges of mat.
3. Let dry at least 2 hours before removing tape and numbers.